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We are a consulting company specializing in energy and aerospace issues. Our services are categorized into three main areas: (1) energy and environmental policy analysis, (2) analysis and repair recommendations for aged underground facilities, and (3) international trade study and business matching in aerospace.



We are constantly engaged in a number of interesting projects. We are a small company, but the topics we study have wide-ranging implications. We are grateful for our clients who challenge us with a variety of interesting projects.


We have provided services to a variety of US and international clients.  Most of our clients are government agencies, utilities, and large industrial plants.  We take pride, as a small business, to have had the privilege of working with large municipalities and industrial customers whose well-being can maximize a positive impact on a large population.

Small Company, Wide Reach

It's surprising that a small company like ours can be involved in big topics such as energy, aerospace, and international trade.


Our company's principal background is aerospace engineering, especially fluid dynamics, combustion, and energy conversion.

After four decades of research and development in these areas, Infra Innovations has accumulated an extensive track record in providing deep, counter-intuitive analyses in energy, aerospace, and international trade issues.

What's Happening?

October 4, 2024 (1:00 ~ 5:00 PM)


Global Status and Outlook of "Smart Maintenance" in Electric Power Network Resiliency Improvement

At Vision Center Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan


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